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A big importance of this project for me is not only the documentary but a set of online social media accounts. inculidng a website, a Youtube Channel and a twitter.

Each of these link together but here are the reasons why these accounts are important.

The Website - Not only will the website be somewhere where I can showcase all the interviews, trailers & the finally documentary but it gives a home for the project. With the website being called ''What's Your Story'' It gives a brand behind the documentary & place for it to live.

Alongside that it;s great tool to be able to place everything on, to showcase all the interviews and even to showcase people and companies I worked with, but it allows the site to also be continued for this project to carry on after submission. It's not just created for submission purposes.

The Youtube Channel - The Youtube channel really only has one purpose and that's for all the interviews to go live on & the documentary but to also allow easy communication and feedback from audiences. Once again it's also nice to have account that is aside from my personal account etc, treating this project as something that can be continued. This channel will also be used to embed any footage onto the website.

The Twitter - Mojority of the people that I've worked with over time have had a twitter, I would say alot more people understand twitter than other accounts, and so with this I created a twitter with the main purpose of updating people, sharing behind the scenes & getting idea's from others really. Im currently using the twitter to show progress for all those involved, with it being such a big documentary, I can't constantly send out emails etc so twitter is great and quick for everyone to connect & understand where it is at, I think having these account also gives you that more motavation you need to get things done.

Twitter is also going to be a great way to get the account promotion, the project promotion and the films promotion. Where I plan to edit small sections of the documentary onto the twitter account while the edit of the big documentary is in progress.

It's nice having a account that feels relaxed away from the hetic editing. A place really to get thoughts and idea's out.

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