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With my previous post there's a lot that goes into the creation of a website, especially when working with brands and people, and wanting to use their logos etc you need permission

Here is the current emails I have got that have granted to permission for logos.

Next is content, I've finally getting all the interviews up and the first trailer up online!

The great news about this is that as soon as the trailer and all interviews are up, i can start sharing the site! And the people involved can start sharing the content to their followers, a great example of someone wanting to share her interview is Phillippa and great enough we are connecting through the twitter account made for this project. So that alone is showing how powerful that twitter has already been!

The next is mobile format for the website, Im just starting to work and change the mobile layout, as all though it has a layout it isnt always the same as how the website, desktop version looks - so progress on that is starting too!

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