Pitching our idea's can always seem like the scariest part but also the best part because it's the go ahead for our project but also the chance that it may not be ambition enough or something may seem wrong with it. But for me this year, I was really ready to explain my idea and get some feedback for it.
For every final major we always get asked to create a presentation & display our idea's, our goals and the aims of our project & so within this presentation a break down the presentation into sections
-- The Idea
-- Context Essay & Audience
-- Research
-- Whos involved
-- Pre Production
-- Evaluation
Overall my presentation went really well, a few questions but it helps because you get someone looking in from the outside onto your idea's and they can pick up faults in the planning before anything has started. & usally you go away and fix those problems and feel happy to be apart of the idea and project you've thought off and create it & that's exactly how I feel this project will go.