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For my research I will need to understand what makes a good website to launch a film & site overall, what aspects I can take on from others that have been successful, I need to understand what makes a documentary & what techniques they use to engage the audience. To understand the soundtracks & types of people, people find interesting to listen to.


Website research is about types of film websites that have been launched this will give me a idea of how I can create a personal look to my site & what will make it successful for launch.

However it is very dark for what I want & so the style of the site is a little packed.

DesignThinking is a documentary I came across during my research, & funny enough it has it's own set up website, much like what I want to achieve. Upon viewing it we get a clear trailer/video content & for my project that's a big part. How & where I will display my documentary on the site. It's very clearly shown on this site & to add to that I love how they've added everyone's logos for who they worked with under & I feel this is something I may include on my site too. Overall the layout is easy to use even with a added store, FQA page and even a screening tab.

The website also runs on one continuous page, so each tab is on the same page & does'nt open a new tab & I feel for my website the look should be that way too, I feel it's more film like as overall there shouldn't & isnt lots of information to be on the site.



‘’A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record’’



‘’Animation is a dynamic medium in which images or objects are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation the images were drawn by hand on cels to be photographed and exhibited on film’’



A documentary that covers the digital revolution of the last decade, that has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities. But does democratised culture mean better art or is true talent instead drowned out? A film containing interviews with some of the world's most influential creators of the digital era

This film has to be my biggest inspiration towards the project, although I came across it when researching into documentaries a lot of the idea’s that I was building upon came from this documentary. This documentary almost follows a similar story with story telling but tells the story of how different artists and media outlets have changed over time & how storytelling and being a artist is much more easier.

However the style that this documentary takes out with interview set up and overall shots is a very similar vision to mine, with the idea and shots of animation being used in this production it also sparked the idea that my documentary could easily include a similar section & this would also allow me to collab with other creatives and combine all pervious media projects I’ve worked on.

The way it uses important people in different types of industries is also something im aiming to do, to get all these creative & collective views to me is really inspiring, to hear voices & idea’s really gets to me & my understanding of the world a little more.

I find it really powerful that each speaker almost has a section & the footage is always relating to that topic & industry of the person.


Although the documentary is paid to be viewed, the trailer gives such a style that I want to achieve & almost a similar out look on story line that just one had to be included, as mentioned in the website research too, it checks all the boxes.

This documentary is clearly very similar to PressPausePlay, in the way with interviews - it's that sense of personal thinking & the way that the camera is fully focused on the speaker sharing their thoughts, that style of focus will be used in my experimentation for this project.

I love the way that, everything that is being said is being matched to visuals & even the most unusual visuals of design, it's creating me to think while the voice overs & interviews tell us the story. The music equally builds up that sense of thinking about design with it's up beat & steady progressing sound.

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