In this journal I wanted to explore, more into the area of my documentary & showcase some of the inspirations I've came across during my research process. I also felt this blog would be great to analysis these documentaries to help me further in production.
During my research, I am across Minimalism - this was just a general research into documentaries alone & nothing direct, the thumbnail interested me straight away & I watched the following trailer below, it blew me away - the story behind it was so inspiring that I had to watch it.
In this case, I will analysis the trailer as to watch the documentary you have to pay.
The first shot that I directly like, is the very first one it creates the opening to such a large city, a large world & that's something that I would want to show in the opening to my documentary however, in a way that focus's at people more & the way we all distracted by our phones & the digital age. The way it just follows people, and has this voice over is something that I want to show throughout my documentary, I want to tell the story as im apart of it but looking in from a outside view. They start of the documentary with a expert opening the commentary, & this is something I may end up doing or I may use a form of my own voice to tell the story, I like opening it in both ways but what ever works better, will be the final edit. The interview alone is so deep in a way all the focus is on him with the blured background and framing, its all about listening to him & nothing else. on what gets across the point. It all fits the same colour theme.
It then moves to outsider footage or footage they didn't film, I like this because it shows history within a documentary, it shows the opsite side of minimalism.
It then moves out in between interviews, sharing key parts & showing the cities as they are, it brings up a more fast paced atmosphere and that's something I want to show within my documentary. What each key person says matches in someway or another with the footage over it, & it makes it have sense & purpose. Each interview also gets a small title & for some reason I really like the framing and how the text is presented & I want to show that within my documentary too with the interviews that I take.
About a minute in to the trailer, it forces upon the founders of this project personally, it starts to tell their view & I think that's key in any story, any documentary, its about you exploring it, rather than just filming it, be apart & understand & not be distracted by creating a film that just shows professionals but one that shows your view too.
The trailer ends of with a really nice, end shot - displaying the title, the music throughout also shows & gives the feel of this fast world, & the things we have, we really don't need.
The future of cities is by a filmmaker called Oscar Boyson, exploring simply the future of cities & their paths to the future lifestyle to come. I found this documentary rather interesting because its hugely directed by his own personal views & with the fast pace motion & story telling it made the whole production even more worth the watch.
The future of cities by Oscar Boyson, is a documentary that fits very well into the whole generation topic of my documentary and for that reason I have decided to place it here and analysis it.
The opening of the documentary opens up with him showing all these different places rather quickly, on what is a different style of how I see my documentary but fits the same mood, it also opens up with him talking, on what is something I am looking to do within my own documentary, dispute the style being a little different, the shots taken at each location are shots that have a similar pattern and framing to what I will want to shot, to open up my documentary, before displaying the documentary title.
Within 30 seconds he starts to move onto the purpose of the documentary, hows he ended up where he is while documenting his journey while still including him as a apart of the main subject, & this is something that I would like to take into my documentary.
The technology shots he shows are also shots that I would hope to capture to show that digital age to our world backing up the point of what is said during the voice over. He then has different interviews pop up now & then while he still explains his journey of the documentary
Something else Oscar's documentary uses is anaimation, this is something I may possibly look into to display things such as satatics & facts, it also makes the documentary different and gives a different style to it.
Another thing this documentary does is it uses old footage, it takes us back in time from the then to the now, to the future, showing the contrast throughout, is something that I should take into my documentary? He also inculdes facts throughout, displaying them in intresting ways.
The intro I feel takes a while to get the title of the documentary, almost like a trailer is playing before the actaul documentary, so this is something that I will possibly avoid.
However throughout the documentary he highlights key facts such as transportation, buildings etc, and in a simailar way I will show that with my documentary in a way that each interview and person it focused a specfic job role & industry target, the last thing that I like about this documentary is the closing section, he voices over what he's learnt and ends it showing all the places he has visited.
This documentary produced by Norton, is probably the closest style in my research to my idea - the very start of this documentary is something I personally look to include my documentary, it gives a very fast paced movement, but also a very personal insight into his own view, where he gets someone to film his travel and insight into interviewing this people, I think this gives a more interesting & personal effect in a way that you want to learn more rather than, just to create a documentary.
Although this documentary doesn't fit in with the genre of my documentary, the style of the documentary fits almost exact with how I vision my documentary to turn out like.
The way the starting shots, follow him as the director & the person following the story, is something I would want to incorporate in some way to production, as it will make it feel more personal, one other thing I also like is this focuses as sort of the dark side of the internet & with that it uses a lot of dark colours through-out the video, bringing the ''Dangerous'' out in the title.
Alot of the shots of the him walking, the TV screens and the way technology is presented through out is something that follows a path in my documentary.
He opens up with commentary, following his journey to his first location, this is something that I aim to explore in the hope to tell the story of my documentary.
When he starts to interview people, he decides to show him in the shot, it makes him a lot more involved & in most ways engages the viewers a lot more, going back to the point of me wanting to include this sort of thing in my own production. The text used to underline the interviewee & their job role is something I will use in my production, it gives a clean look to the video, underling who the interviewee's are.
The colours overall throughout this production, stay black & white, greys - no bright colours & it fully gives impact onto the film, the music he added builds upon the atmosphere too.